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OC Student Council Member Jazzel Garcia Crowned Miss Pasadena

Visual Communications student Jazzel Garcia serves on Student Council on the Orange County campus and was recently named Miss Pasadena in a Toay Productions beauty pageant. We caught up with her to find out more.

Tell us about your experience on Student Council: My experience with Student Council has been nothing but fun and exciting. Student Council is a place to grow and learn from one another and cherish the moments. There have been so many activities, and each one was so unique. I was involved in Denim Day, our Valentine’s Day donation party, breast cancer awareness walk, and our yummy BBQ Memorial Day celebration. My favorite thing about being involved was meeting new people and sharing our ideas and making them happen!

Tell us about Miss Pasadena: I have a huge passion for makeup and fashion, along with beauty pageants. I've been participating in beauty pageants for about five years now and have been blessed to have won previous titles. I'm honored to be the current Miss Pasadena 2018. I’m excited to share my reign and what’s to come next!

What is one of your proudest accomplishments? One of my proudest accomplishments was when I designed a hand bag for VCOM 1250: Survey of Visual Communications. That was one of the most challenging yet life-changing classes I've had so far. I have to say that class definitely pushes you to the max so you can showcase your hard work, passion, and personality.  

How did you find out about FIDM? I remember talking to my mom about my passion and wanting to attend a school that was going to be fun and great. First thing she mentioned was FIDM. My mom wanted to attend FIDM and become a fashion designer but she never had the chance to. Once I looked into it and did my research, I knew FIDM was the perfect fit for me.

What are your career goals and how is FIDM helping you get there? I want to open up a boutique called The Runway with makeup on one side, fashion on the other, and a runway in the middle. Not only do I want women walking out feeling beautiful but to also walk with confidence. I definitely feel that every class at FIDM has been preparing me for my career. The curriculum strengthens me, allows me to see the beauty in the industry as well as the difficult roads, and makes me strive even harder to get to where I want to be.

What advice do you have for someone thinking about going to FIDM? DO IT! Passion is everything. Why not make our childhood dreams a reality. FIDM is filled with so many great opportunities and allows you to be you. Not only is it a great school but the staff is phenomenal. I can truly say you will meet amazing people along your journey and get to know a lot about yourself and what you are capable of.

Anything else you’d like to share? Follow my journey and my reign on social media! Instagram: @jazzelkamille

Categories:  Visual Communication Student